Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Thomas Moore's Column
in Spirituality & Health
"The Spiritual Imagination"2017 March-April
"Your Highest Self"
2017 January-February
"The Dream of Utopia"
2016 November-December
"No Need to Explain"
2016 September-October
"Angels and the Brain"
2016 July-August
"A Crack in the Sky"
2016 May-June
"Spiritual Complexes"
2016 March-April
"Care of the Soul, 25 Years Later"
2016 January-February
"The Path to Utopia"
2015 November-December
"The Veggie Soul"
2015 September-October
"The Soul under Construction"
2015 July-August
"Spiritual Disorders"
2015 May-June
"Skipping Stones"
2015 March-April
"The Place Beyond Seeking"
2015 January-February
"Wherever I Turn, You Are There"
2014 November-December
No column
2014 September-October
"Happy Accidents"
2014 July-August
"This Fractured, Heavenly World"
2014 May-June
"Reclaim Your Spiritual Growth"
2014 March-April
"A Chapel of One's Own"
2014 January-February
"A Faith Beyond Belief"
2013 November-December
"Joyfully Adrift"
2013 September-October
"An Ancient, Divine Feminism"
2013 July-August
"Searching for Nymphs:
The Power of Belief "
2013 May-June
A Beautiful Distortion
2013 March-April
"Are You the Author of Your Life's Story?"
2013 January-February
"An Alter to Artemis"
2012 November-December
"The Spiritual Practice of Study"
2012 September-October
"Men who are Fathers"
2012 July-August
"The Door Ajar"
2012 May-June
2012 March-April
"The Spirituality of the World"
2012 January-February
"Natural Mysticism"
2011 November-December
"I Am Not Hardwired!"
2011 September-October
"Healing with Heart"
2011 July-August
"The Art of Being Out of Step with the Times"
2011 May-June
"Being a Spiritual Person"
2011 March-April
"The Invisible Ink Before Spirituality"
2011 January-February
"The New Theologian"
2010 November-December
"The Complete Ecologist"
2010 September-October
"The Spiritual Situation"
2010 July-August
"The Return of Shrines and Temples"
2010 May-June
"Creating a Soul Library"
2010 March-April
"Develop a Dream Practice"
2010 January-February
"See the Light"
2009 November-December
"Transmogrifying the Gospels"
2009 September-October
"How to Empty Your Head"
2009 July-August
"Teaching What Matters"
2009 May-June
"Yoga and Tea"
2009 March-April
"My Quest for Silence"
2009 January-February
"Leaving the Church?"
2008 November-December
"Changing Directions"
2008 September-October
"Is That Your Complex Speaking?"
2008 July-August
"Finding Freedom in Forgiveness"
2008 May-June
"Finding Life at Work"
2008 March-April
"Allowing Ourselves
to be Seen by Art"
2008 January-February
"Sacred Time with Children"
2007 November-December
No columns appeared from
July 2007 to October 2007
"Living with Opposites"
2007 May-June
"Soul and Science"
2007 March-April
"Growing Through Grief"
2007 January-February
"The Spirituality in Leadership"
2006 Novemeber-December
"Spiritual Wars"
2006 September-October
"An Enchanted Life"
2006 July-August
"The Soul of Medicine"
2006 May-June
"God and Tragedy"
2006 March-April
"Theology and Ecology"
2006 January-February
"Transmuting Narcissism into Community"
2005 November-December
"Virgo Maria, Ora Pro Nobis"
2005 September-October
"The Anonymous Guru"
2005 July - August
"The Diverse and Exciting World Beyond Labels"
2005 May - June
"The Radish of Immortality"
2005 March - April
"Will We Take the Moral Values Challenge?"
2005 January - February
"Mind-Altering Message"
2004 November - December
"Fresh Look at Jesus"
2004 September - October
"The Spiritual Arts"
2004 July - August
"Jesus Spirituality"
2004 May - June
"Living in the There and Then"
2004 March - April
"On the Verge of a New Myth"
2004 January - February
"The Light of the Moon"
2003 November - December
"The Nightmare and the Promise"
2003 September - October
"Sensuousness of the Spirit"
2003 July - August
"Speak of the Devil"
2003 May - June
"Awakening American Spirituality"
2003 March - April
"Life Is Complicated"
2003 Winter
"What We All Want"
2002 Winter
"Small "r" Religion and Small "p" Politics"
2002 Fall
"Balanced Diet of Meditation"
2002 Summer
"Confessions of a Deep Catholic"
2002 Spring
"A Regular Person"
2001 Winter
"Theology You Can Use"
2001 Summer
"Strong Spiritual Medicine"
2001 Spring
"Message from the Angel"
2001 Fall
"Doing Good for Pleasure"
2000 Winter
"Confessions of a Spiritual Bricoleur"
2000 Summer
"The Lawn-Mower Path to Spirit"
2000 Spring
"Romance of Religion"
2000 Fall
"Choosing Life"
1999 Winter
"Myth of Health"
1999 Spring
"Reappraising Paganism"
1999 Fall
"Sensuous Path"
1998 Fall
"Religion and Religions"
Contemplation in a Busy Life
Spirit Site online excerpts from:
Care of the Soul, Soul Mates, The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life and Dark Nights of the Soul.
Thomas Moore in Resurgence Magazine
(Click for full index)
The Power of Language2011 January-February
Food For The Soul
2008 November-December
Your Many Selves
2008 September-October
Pray to Gaia
2008 March-April
Bathroom Rituals
2006 May
The Silence of Sounds
2005 November
Garden of the Planets
2005 March
Previous Posts
- Moore teaches in Peterborough, NH on May 9
- Transcript of Moore interview in Jungian journal
- Moore offers module in new certificate program
- Real mystics open up to what is really real reality
- Order your copy of A Religion of One's Own now
- Join Thomas Moore on retreat in Ireland this fall
- Art and religion may help us with life's mysteries
- Register for Moore's Birmingham program now
- Re-imagine a religion that feeds your soul
- Meet Thomas Moore in Tempe, Arizona this month
Why Barque: Thomas Moore?
"What I'm trying to do is say lighten up and let life flow through you, and be on the waves as they go up and down. For me, a great image in mythology is Tristan of Tristan and Isolde. He's out there on a little boat without an oar, without a rudder, on the Irish sea . . . You float your way. You drift. The essence of my approach is to be extravagantly accepting and forgiving of yourself and others. Ride the waves and let life take you where it has good things for you." - Thomas Moore
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