Friday, October 07, 2005

Spiritual sex + Erotic spirit = Living with soul

In the Fall 2005 issue of Tango Magazine, Thomas Moore talks about Spiritual Sex. He describes his ten Erotic Commandments in a sidebar:
1. Ethics: Be honest, respectful and kind to your partner.
2. Partnership: Share your intelligence, culture, ideas, values and talents.
3. Vision: Show interest in life, meaning and the world.
4. Contemplation: Step outside ordinary reality.
5. Ritual: Be mindful of nonpractical aspects.
6. Generosity: Offer abundant feeling, intelligence and equality to your partner.
7. Beauty: See the beauty of the body in small gestures.
8. Prayer: Appreciate the power of sex to express love and to form unions.
9. Devotion: Evoke the spirit or goddess of sex.
10. Community: Be joyful with others in society.
Moore says, "I think of a human being as always, in every instance, made up of body, soul, and spirit. There is no such thing as purely physical love, because we are more than physical. So be prepared for a broader notion of what sex is all about."